GrandView Aviation’s President, Jessie Naor, is among the industry leaders advocating for modern, science-based regulations for the decades-old Part 135 pilot rest and duty.
A new set of rules is soon expected to enter the notice of proposed rulemaking process, reflecting advancements in fatigue science and prioritizing pilot safety and efficient operations.
Jessie Naor further summed up why these efforts matter by saying, “Fatigue doesn’t typically get recorded as the primary cause of an accident, but we know that human factors is the biggest contributor to aviation accidents. Fatigue induces poor decision-making, mistakes, loss of concentration, and slowed reaction times, everything we know that causes accidents. The NTSB may not always name fatigue as the cause of an accident, but we can all understand intuitively that it plays a role in most accidents and incidents, particularly in cases where pilots are highly skilled.”